Friday, October 24, 2008

With all the buzz about what Palin's been wearing...

Ah, Sarah Palin, you make it too easy.

Here's a picture (from of Palin wearing a donkey-emblazoned scarf at a recent rally.

So, while some Palin-supporters are arguing that someone gave the scarf to her at the rally, and while I agree that this Republican fashion faux pas is not as important as her views on how to be an executive, this is just one more strike against Sarah Palin.

Have we not learned our lesson from Bush?

Sure, some of these little mistakes are cute or funny on the campaign trail, but what happens if Sarah Palin has to step up and be president? Do we want another four years of mispronunciations (it's nu-cle-ar, for God's sake) and "misunderestimations?"

I am warning you, Sarah Palin is George W. Bush with a Yankee accent.

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